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Tax Identification Number: 91-0565006

1. The Unrestricted Gift
I give to Seattle University, a Washington non-profit corporation, headquartered in Seattle, Washington, the sum of $___________ (or ____% of my estate; or the property described herein) for its unrestricted use.

2. Gift for a Specific Purpose
I give to Seattle University, a Washington non-profit corporation, headquartered in Seattle, Washington, the sum of $___________ (or ____% of my estate; or the property described herein) to be used for ________________ (specify the purpose).

3. Specific Legacy
I bequeath my home, farm, livestock, car, truck, etc. to Seattle University, a Washington non-profit corporation, headquartered in Seattle, Washington.

4. Residuary Legatee
All the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, I give to Seattle University, a Washington non-profit corporation, headquartered in Seattle, Washington, for its general purposes.

5. Contingency Gift
I devise and bequeath the residue of the property owned by me at my death, real and personal and wherever situated, to my husband/wife, ___________, if he/she survives me. If my husband/wife does not survive me, I devise and bequeath my residuary estate to Seattle University, a Washington non-profit corporation, headquartered in Seattle, Washington, for _____________ (specify the purpose).
